Hello World, my name is
Hasti Sutaria
And I'm

About me

I'm Hasti and I'm

An ICT engineering student at Adani Institute Of Infrastructure Engineering. A self motivated and an enthusiastic techie from business background. Having knowledge in data structures and algorithms, web development, ReactJS, Java, Python, Data Science and Machine Learning makes me a girl who code. Continuous learner of new technologies, strategies and tools to develop whimsical ideas.

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My projects

My skills

Languages : Java | Python | C
Web : HTML | CSS | Javascript | ReactJS | Bootstrap | Wordpress | Material UI
Libraries : NumPy | Pandas | ScikitLearn | Matplotlib | Seaborn | OpenCV | NLP
Other : MySQL | Data Structures | ML | Hosting platforms
Tools : VS Code | Git | Google Cloud Platform | RapidAPI | Firebase

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Social Presence

Every day brings something new and different and that surprise is motivating to me. I like learning new things that I never could have imagined. I seek out ways to contribute to insightful projects that provide me with a sense of learning and innovation. If you have insightful ideas feel free to connect with me. Let's make this world a better planet. For more information visit my social profiles.

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